Foto Facial

You may consider seeing a dermatologist to treat various skin conditions such as acne or skin cancer. However, from routine examinations to complex cosmetic procedures, the office of Dr. Ghatan is equipped to handle all of your dermatologic needs. For example, many of our patient visit our dermatologist office in Brooklynfor our expertise in aesthetic procedures to remove wrinkles and give a younger facial appearance. If you’re looking for quick, easy, and effective way to restore the volume to your skin due to age-related volume loss, then our Foto facial treatment is for you.

If you have sun spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, cholasma, mask of pregnancy, or multiple freckles, you may benefit from FotoFacial. Those with rosacea, chronic sun damage, or wrinkles and skin laxity can also benefit from this special service offered at our dermatologist office in Brooklyn. But what exactly is it? FotoFacial brings together the best of aesthetic dermatologic skin care and cosmetic plastic surgery into one non-invasive procedure. By using Intense Pulsed Light and RadioFrequency energy combined in the same pulse, these gentle, no-downtime treatments are used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the face, neck, hands, or body. All patients notice a consistent improvement in the appearance of their skin. The degree of improvement is gradual and persistent over the 15-18 week program and 5-6 FotoFacial treatments. At the completion of the FotoFacial program the skin will have achieved a noticeable and consistent degree of improvement that over 90% of patients are very happy with!

If you would like to learn more about our dermatologist office in Brooklyn, we highly recommend that you visit our practice’s main website to browse through some additional, detailed information that you might find useful. If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding FotoFacial or any of our other procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the staff here directly. We look forward to working with you and returning the youth and beauty to your skin.

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