Ditch that Dreaded Double Chin for Good! Here’s How

If you’ve been wearing scarves or turtlenecks to cover your double chin, can’t comfortably wear a tie or buttoned-up shirt because of the bulge or simply don’t like its appearance, you’re not alone. Excess skin laxity and fat below the chin is common, especially from middle age on. Whether you’re genetically prone to a double chin or have developed one due to lifestyle changes or aging, an aesthetic procedure can help give you the more slender facial profile you desire.

To learn more about double chin reduction options, call Dr Ghatan Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery or schedule an appointment on our website.

Double chin basics

A double chin often develops when fat gathers in the area, due to weight gain or the shifting of fat that comes along with aging. Aging also makes your skin less less firm and tight, making it easier for your skin and fat below your chin to drop down and sag. This stretched or excess tissue creates a shadowing effect that can make you appear older or heavier than you are.

While most anyone can develop a double chin, they’re more prevalent in men. And while a double chin isn’t a health problem, it may be a source of insecurity, reduced self-confidence, and poor body image.

Help for a double chin

Numerous options are available to reduce a double chin and give you a sleeker, more youthful look. Effective options include facelifts, neck lifts, and laser or conventional liposuction. To determine your ideal procedure, Dr. Ghatan goes over your goals and examines your skin at an initial evaluation. Once he’s determined the precise cause of your double chin, he helps you select a treatment plan.

Fotona TightSculptingⓇ

A noninvasive option Dr. Ghatan uses is Fotona TightSculpting, a safe, fast and effective alternative to surgical procedures. The device uses a dual-wave laser to reduce fat and tighten skin for a sleeker chin profile. There’s no downtime at all with TightSculpting.

Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction may be a wonderful option for slenderizing your double chin. During the surgery, Dr. Ghatan removes fat from beneath your skin in the treatment area and sculpts the chin and neck region. Only a small incision is required, for the tube to be placed for fat removal, so it requires less downtime and brings fewer risks compared to traditional lipo or “lift” surgeries. You’ll only need local anesthesia to numb the area, so you won’t need a hospital stay.

To find out if you’re a good candidate for double chin treatments, call our office in Brooklyn, New York, to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghatan.

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