Brooklyn NY FotoFacial

Life can be difficult at times, and things like health problems and stress can certainly take their toll on you. While these issues have symptoms and side-effects that can affect your health, they can also affect your appearance over time as well. Whether you have any certain skin conditions that have affected your overall appearance throughout your life or whether you have acne spots or sun damaged skin, you may not feel like yourself. Here at the offices of our dermatologist in BrooklynDr. Ghatan, you may be able to correct these problems with the help of FotoFacial treatment.

FotoFacial has become one of the most popular and most often performed dermatological services in North America. It is specially designed to treat a variety of cosmetic skin conditions. Some of the conditions that it can treat include rosacea, flushing, redness, broken capillaries, spider veins, sun spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melisma, cholasma, chronic sun damage, wrinkles and skin laxity. FotoFacial can target any of these concerns, among others, that affect the skin of the face, neck and body using Intense Pulsed Light and RadioFrequency energy combined in the same pulse. This treatment is totally gentle and does not require any downtime between treatments and healing so you can go about your normal routine once you leave our offices. If you are at all interested in improving the overall appearance and vivacity of your skin, then do not hesitate to call us here at our offices in order to schedule an appointment with our dermatologist in Brooklyn. Dr. Ghatan will thoroughly examine the state and condition of your skin before moving forward. If all is well, Dr. Ghatan can begin to make preparations for your FotoFacial treatment whenever is best for you.

If you are at all concerned about the cosmetic appearance of your skin, it may help to know that there are options available to you. Our dermatologist Dr. Ghatan can provide you with FotoFacial treatments as well as a variety of others that may suit your needs as well as your skin. Call us today to learn more about the services that we offer and to schedule your evaluation with our dermatologist in Brooklyn today.

1226 Ocean Parkway (between Avenues L&M)
Brooklyn, New York 11230
(718) 253-2053

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